Frequently Asked Questions

What should I wear?

Since Rolfing® is more interactive than many forms of body work, Rolfing® clients are partially clothed. Clients may be asked to get off and on the table during the session, and there will be a structural and functional (movement) assessment at the beginning of each session. Clients choose to wear their underwear - boxer briefs for men, bra and underwear for women, or clothing similar to a bathing suit or gym/yoga shorts. Please refrain from wearing compression/biker shorts or shorts with thick material, such as denim. While access to skin is great, your comfort is paramount, so a loose fitting shirt/tank top and shorts work too.


What is the Ten Series, and do I have to commit to it? How long do the changes from the Ten Series last?

Dr. Rolf originally developed the Ten Series as a ten part “recipe” that should be tailored to each person’s unique structure and needs. The Ten Series is a systematic way of balancing both structure and function while addressing the entire body. The Ten Series is a good start to opening up the body, but it is not the end all be all. Many of the same goals can be reached with less sessions, so no, you do not have to commit to a Ten Series. Since Rolfing® is a holistic practice, many clients find relief for a specific issue in a single session.

People can experience ongoing changes in their bodies up to a year after completion of the Ten Series. These changes last depending on each individual and their lifestyle. Everyday life stressors, physical activity, and hobbies all play a part in whether or not someone may need a tune-up down the road.


How is Rolfing® different from other forms of bodywork?

People that are unfamiliar with Rolfing® often compare it to a type of deep tissue massage, but the goals of Rolfing are different. Rolfing® strives to bring about longer-lasting change. While many clients describe Rolfing® as a relaxing and pleasant experience, Rolfing® is more interactive than other hands-on modalities. Clients are asked questions regarding their experience of their body, and at other times, they will be asked to participate by making certain movements while hands on work is being done by the Rolfer®. Therefore, Rolfing® clients play a direct role in their own healing. Rolfing® is not done to you but with you.

Historically Rolfing has had a “rough” reputation, but that is not how many of us work these days. No pain no gain does not apply. Research has found that greater results are achieved when the client is not experiencing extreme discomfort during the session. That said, it may not always be comfortable. Constant communication is maintained to make sure I am aware of what you are feeling.

My particular style may be different in the sense that I don't just work with the musculoskeletal system. Depending on your particular needs I may work directly with different organs and nerves. I may even work with the brain. The Rolfing work can be more direct while the organ and nerve work may be done with a lighter touch.


Do I tip you?

No, it’s fee for service.


How many sessions will I need?

It depends on each person’s needs and goals. Some people come in one or two times and don’t come back until something else comes up for them, which at times is years later. Others come in more regularly based off their lifestyle so they can stay tuned up. One of my goals is that we get you to a place where you do not need Rolfing on a regular basis so that you can go about enjoying your life with less stress and discomfort.


Who could benefit from Rolfing?

Rolfing is for anyone looking to lower their mental, emotional and physical stress. Athletes, dancers, people with sedentary lifestyles or sedentary jobs, pregnant women and women who have had children, children and babies, professionals, anyone that does manual labor or uses their body for their profession, and more!


Additional FAQs
For more information about Rolfing®, consider visiting the official website of the Dr. Ida Rolf Institute®